프랑스의 반역죄 기결수 영어로
- People convicted of treason against France
- 프랑스의: gaulish; frenchman; french; french-language;
- 반역죄: treason
- 반역죄 기결수: People convicted of treason
- 기결수: prisoner; con; convict
- 프랑스의 반역죄 사형수: People executed for treason against France
- 독일의 반역죄 기결수: People convicted of treason against Germany
- 미국의 반역죄 기결수: People convicted of treason against the United States
- 소련의 반역죄 기결수: People convicted of treason against the Soviet Union
- 영국의 반역죄 기결수: People convicted of treason against the United Kingdom
- 프랑스의 모살죄 기결수: French people convicted of murder
- 프랑스의 조세 범죄 기결수: French people convicted of tax crimes
- 루마니아의 반역죄 기결수: People convicted of treason against Romania
- 오스트리아의 반역죄 기결수: People convicted of treason against Austria
- 잉글랜드의 반역죄 기결수: People convicted of treason against England
- 반역죄 반역죄: Treason